Tuesday, February 24, 2009

3rd Grade Violin Performance

Today we were invited to attend a 3rd grade violin performance. We attended Mrs. C. Smith’s class performance so Eduardo could watch his big brother, Jesus, play the violin. Here’s Jesus playing below:
The 3rd grade violin program has been in place in Decatur for 10 years! It’s conducted by the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra. Each 3rd grade class receives 10 violin lessons; then they perform for their families and other students.
The 3rd graders impressed us by knowing the names to the parts of the violin, as well as the cords (?). They really knew a lot about the violin!! We think we might be able to remember some it for next year!

I know our faces look very confused in these pictures!! I think we were very overwhelmed! GREAT JOB, 3rd graders!! We can’t wait for our turn in 3rd grade!

1 comment:

C. Smith said...

Thank you for coming to watch our violin program! It has been really fun to watch them learn all this in only 10 classes.