Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Friday is Halloween!! Your child can wear a costume to represent his or her favorite book character. We've been to the library to find books...
I'll be bringing a couple of treats Friday. If you want to send something, just let me know.

We'll be having a school-wide Fun Friday - it's going to be a MAGIC SHOW!!! And let me tell you, I've seen a sneak peak, and it's really cool!!

Change of Plans

Since we did not get to go to the Pumpkin Patch last week, we've had to change our field trip plans. Tate Farms doesn't do tours after Halloween, and they were booked for the rest of the week. So, we're going to...

on November 20th. We will leave school around 8:45 and return around 1:30. Below is a link so you can check out Sci-Quest's website:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Walk for a Cure

Our cousin, Maggie, was diagnosed this year with Juvenile Diabetes. Saturday, I went to Walk for the Cure for Juvenile Diabetes. Over 2,000 came to Birmingham for the walk. We raised over $56,000 so that more research can be done to help find a cure! Here's a picture of my mom, me, and my mother-n-law @ the walk.

Don't forget to dress up as your favorite book character for Halloween (Friday). Most of us went to the library and picked out books last week. The rest of us will get our books this week.

October 27-31

I'll be gone Tuesday and Wednesday to a workshop in Auburn, so we'll talk about our spelling and vocabulary words Monday (and we'll work with them Tuesday and Wednesday with the substitute also), but be sure you really go over them with your child this week at home, too. We'll still have our test on Friday, and I'll be back Thursday to review.
This week, we're reading....
We'll be learning about grasshoppers (their life cycle, their body parts, and how they live). This is a really cool story and I really think the kids will enjoy it! They love reading these nonfiction stories! (Ask your child to tell you the difference between fiction and nonfiction.)

Descriptive Writing

We worked on descriptive writing last week. We made fall trees and used our senses to describe our trees so that someone who couldn't see them would be able to picture them in their mind. I was really pleased with our writing...Look out, 5th grade teachers, you have some great writers waiting in the wings!!

We love it when Mrs. Walker comes for counseling!

Mrs. Walker came Tuesday and talked with us about how it feels to be excluded, and how we should work to make sure our friends feel included in the things we do at school. We played a really fun game to help us understand the concepts of including and excluding...You should have heard the giggles coming from our classroom. (If you were in our building, you probably did!)
We did not get to go to the Pumpkin Patch Friday because of the rain :(...However, we are planning another field trip very soon! More details to come ASAP...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The weather man says it's going to rain tomorrow (and it's already started - I checked!)...we're still going to the Pumpkin Patch. I told the kids to still wear their yellow t-shirts, but to wear a sweatshirt over them. I also told them that it'd be okay to bring an old pair of shoes in a bag - we'll change before we get off the bus. We're not going to let a little (or a lot) of rain stop us!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We're going on a...

(And we'll be bringing home a PUMPKIN!!)
We're going to Tate Farms (Pumpkin Patch) this Friday. Don't forget to wear your yellow school shirt. (If you didn't buy a school shirt, try to wear another yellow shirt).

Monday, October 20, 2008

DON'T FORGET - STUDENTS DISMISS @ 12 TOMORROW (the 21ST) for parent-teacher conferences. Check your child's binder for your conference time reminder. See you tomorrow!
This is our Concept /Question board. We use this board during reading each day. Our new unit is "Let's Explore." So far, we've drawn and labeled diagrams of an ant. We've listed needs of plants and animals. Today, we added pictures of rocks. If you and your child find any pictures (or real items!) of insects, fossils, or other things in nature, please send them to share with our class. We're reading If You Find A Rock this week, so we'd love to see some different kinds of rocks. Ask you child about wishing, skipping, resting, worrying, and chalk rocks! We read about them today...

Sunday, October 19, 2008


October 20-24

Spelling & Vocabulary
Our Story...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Paper, Anyone?!?!?!

If you work @ International Paper, or know anyone who does, we need help!! Our school needs boxes of paper, and we could possibly get them donated!! Or, if you know of anywhere else that could donate boxes of paper (or money to buy boxes), we'd GREATLY appreciate it!!! Please contact me - send a note to school, call, or email. Thanks for your support!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thanks to Ashley N.'s mom for getting our test practice folders ready today!!

Our "Garden Basket" is in need!!!

Our "Garden Basket" for our Fall Festival is in need of gardening items!!! We have gloves and lotion and an apron. We still need: seeds, a basket, gardening tools, notepads w/ garden/flower theme, a watering can, etc. Anything you can send, we'll appreciate!!!!! Thanks for your support! Please send by Friday, the 17th...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

October 15-17

We're going to be working on test
practice this week, so we won't have
a reading story. That means no spelling
or vocabulary to study. We'll still have a
reading passage, though! We'll also have
timed facts test daily. We're hitting the facts really hard - we have to know them automatically! Don't be shocked at the first few timed tests that get sent home! It WILL get better.
Report cards come home Thursday. It's the start of a new nine weeks! Don't forget to send in your conference form so I'll be able to schedule your time.

October 15-17

October 13-14

Ants! They Are Hard Workers!

Our story this week taught us lots about ANTS!! Ask your child what they know about ants...

We Are Wild About Learning @ BC!!!!

We wore our classroom t-shirts to school Friday! We'll wear them again on our field trip to Tate Farms on the 24th!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Mrs. Davis is posting this picture for her brother to see. Hi, Matt! When Matt was young, he loved the "Ninja Turtles." Just wanted him to see that THEY'RE BACK! Love the shirt, Jordan!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mile Run

We ended Red Ribbon Week wearing red and running the mile run. Here are a few shots of us at the run.

October 6-10

Hello! We have a lot coming up this month. I'll be sending home a calendar Monday to help you keep track of our October happenings. If you know what time you want to come on the 21st for a conference, go ahead and let me know. You can comment to my post or send me a note. I'll be sending home a time sheet this week for you to sign up.
I appreciate those of you who have offered to help with the fall festival!! It's not too late to sign up - if you can help, even for a few minutes, just let me know.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


We had a visitor today! Ms. Nicole Martin came from AMSTI to talk to us about organisms. We had a chance to show off all we've learned about plants and animals and their needs. She introduced a new game about the needs of organisms. Mrs. Davis was really proud of how much knowledge we've soaked up about organisms!

Team Spirit Day

Mrs. Davis has to throw in a "Roll Tide!!"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008